About H & L

Not just the Who, What and Where, but also the Why

Heroes & Legends

A channel dedicated to exploring the lives and stories of great individuals that have made an impact on history, culture or our way of life. Some of these may be little known to the wider world, even though they impacted significantly on the destinies of their own people. Others may have been condemned unfairly by history and deserve to have their contributions reviewed. We hope that by bringing their stories to light, we can all learn from their experiences and enrich the tapestry of knowledge that exists outside the narrative of our own time and culture.

About Me
Dr. Allan Kalamir: H&L researcher, script writer, narrator-storyteller, audiovisual editor, producer, key grip (whatever that is) etc...


A downloadable collection of important historical documents of interest. See also the Description section of each Youtube video for more links and relevant info .

Thomas Paine- African Slavery in America (1775)

Thomas Paine- Common Sense (1776)

Thomas Paine- The American Crisis (1776)

Thomas Paine- The Rights of Man Pt.1 (1791)

Thomas Paine- The Rights of Man Pt.2 (1792)

Thomas Paine- Age of Reason (1793)

Thomas Paine- Agrarian Justice (1795)